5 Fashion Fails Women Wish You Wouldn't Wear
Along the trail to style glory a man must first learn 'what not to wear.' Below is a list of 5 fashion sins a man needs to avoid if planning to be taken seriously. Up your style game by banishing any of the following looks from your life.
1. Socks and Sandals Never, ever pair socks with sandals.
This lazy day "I'm putting out the bins" combination needs to stop. You look somewhere between old school Arnie and your dad wearing this misfit combo.
2. Skinny Jeans
I'm not talking slim fit, tapered style jeans. I'm talking about the early 2000's Good Charlotte style fad that is sadly still floating around in certain stores. About 5% of the male population can pull off skinny jeans, and even they would look better in slim fit. Nothing turns a girl off more than seeing exactly how skinny/fat your legs are in your tight pants.
3. Runners Runners are the perfect exercise/gym shoe on the market. However, when you pair them with anything else besides gym wear you start to look a bit foolish. (low height Nike runners are the exception) Ditch the runners and chuck on some casual shoes with the jeans to avoid looking year eight 'Mathlete' material.
4. Wrong Socks Simple rule guys. Black shoes go with black socks.
Too often men wear the wrong colour socks under their pants. You may think you get away with it, but every time you're seated or leaning, everyone in the room can see your fashion fail.
Get yourself a couple pairs of long black formal socks.
(Same rule applies for sneakers. Unless they are dark you'll look better with white socks)
5. Crocs Burn them all. Crocs are a complete and utter fashion disaster. If you must wear them for 'comfort' please keep it in the garden, or better yet feed them to your dog.