The Dean Winchester Style Guide
Dean Winchester, the real man's man. Tough, stoic and a popular man with the ladies. It was from the Winchester brothers that I first learned how to layer clothes. The way Dean dresses throughout the series highlights ways a man can mix it up, whilst keeping it masculine. There's plenty to learn from this demon hunting badass, I've laid out some key points below.
Short and Stylish
Dean keeps his hair short and sharp. This style of faded sides with some length up top is a popular sports look for a guy who wants low fuss and focus on his face. The short, spiked style Dean wears highlights his jawline and slims his face. This is the perfect haircut for anyone with a wide-set jaw or squarish face. For tips on creating this look check out the Short Hair guide.
When it comes to layering look no further than the Winchester brothers. Wearing basic tee's under shirts and jackets Dean keeps himself looking stylish. To emulate this look wear three layers; a basic tee, cotton/flannelette shirt and a leather jacket. Simply start from the lightest colour first, to darkest on top for a safe option. Alternatively wear a coloured shirt under a dark jacket. The trick is to wear the shirt unbuttoned, under the open jacket so you create the layered look.
Dean's colour palette is very masculine and autumn/winter. He uses colours mainly consisting of browns, greys, blues and some black. These combinations are quite neutral and manly, whilst giving you enough variety to mix it up. A classic way to incorporate these colours is a light grey basic tee under a checkered flanellete shirt, covered with a black or brown jacket. There's nothing wrong with some colour, but like the picture below (left) you'll see Dean wears his bright shirt under a plain dark jacket to keep it masculine.